Sunday, August 30, 2020

National Nutrition Week: Nutritional Differences Between Jaggery And Sugar To Help Make A Healthy Choice

Ahead of National Nutrition Month in September, here are some health differences between jaggery and sugar to help you decide which sweetener is best for your diet.
It wouldn't be wrong to say that sugar has earned the worst reputation in wellness and nutrition, but it's not fair to label all sugars as the same. The molasses content of jaggery makes it more nutritious since this nutritious byproduct of the sugar making process is removed during the manufacture of refined sugar.

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However, jaggery is still sugar despite its slightly different nutritional profile. Ahead of National Nutrition Month in September, here are some health differences between jaggery and sugar to help you decide which sweetener is best for your diet.

Calorie content

Refined white sugar contains only "empty calories" or calories without vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, fiber, or other beneficial compounds, while jaggery is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Effect on immunity

Jaggery is an excellent immunity booster, builds a shield against diseases like coughs and colds. Coconut jaggery is also a great source of antioxidants and miner like alsiron, folate, and magnesium, while palm jaggery has the lowest glycemic index and is a proven remedy for coughs and common cold because it is packed with nutrients like iron, folate, potassium and calcium. On the other hand, refined sugar suppresses the immune system which, if compromised, is more likely to cause disease and reduce the body's ability to ward off disease.

High fructose corn syrup or HFCS 55 is a type of refined sugar that contains 55% fructose and 42% glucose, while jaggery contains more than 70% sucrose, less than 10% glucose and isolated fructose and 5% minerals.

Health effects

While refined sugars are linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, dementia, liver disease, and some types of cancer, consuming jaggery results in improved body digestive health, anemia prevention, liver detoxification and improved immune function.

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Therefore, going for jaggery is a healthier choice as it will give you a few extra nutrients, but since it is still sugar at the end of the day, it should only be used very sparingly, depending on your preferences and your dietary goals.

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